Wys tans plasings met die etiket Messiah. Wys alle plasings
Wys tans plasings met die etiket Messiah. Wys alle plasings

Sondag 27 Maart 2016

‘En toe Hy op die Olyfberg gaan sit het, kom die dissipels alleen na Hom en sê:

Vertel ons, wanneer sal hierdie dinge wees,
en wat is die teken van U Koms
en van die voleinding van die wêreld?’

“En Jesus antwoord en sê vir hulle: Pas op dat niemand julle mislei nie.
“Want baie sal onder my Naam kom en sê: Ek is die Christus! en hulle sal baie mense mislei.
“En julle sal hoor van oorloë en gerugte van oorloë. Pas op, moenie verskrik word nie, want alles moet plaasvind, maar dit is nog nie die einde nie.
“Want die een nasie sal teen die ander opstaan en die een koninkryk teen die ander; en daar sal hongersnode wees en pessiektes en aardbewings op verskillende plekke.
“Maar al hierdie dinge is 'n begin van die smarte.
“Dan sal hulle jul aan verdrukking oorgee en julle doodmaak; en julle sal deur al die nasies gehaat word ter wille van my Naam.
“En dan sal baie tot struikel gebring word en mekaar verraai en mekaar haat.
“En baie valse profete sal opstaan en baie mense mislei.
“En omdat die ongeregtigheid vermeerder word, sal die liefde van die meeste verkoel.
“Maar wie volhard tot die einde toe, hy sal gered word.” Matt 24:3-13

Wanneer mens die grusame werklikhede in die gesig staar, dan begryp mens Jesus se verduideliking soos hierbo vervat... Daar is tans oorlog in 66 lande in die wêreld. In 22 lande word Christene wreed en grusaam vervolg, onthoof, doodgeskiet, word vroue en dogters van alle ouderdomme herhaaldelik verkrag en in die internasionale mensehandel aan die hoogste bod verkoop word om meesal as seksslawe te dien. Dit word bereken dat 29 miljoen vroue en kinders reeds so verkoop is. Kyk hoeveel organisasies wêreldwyd probeer mensehandel hokslaan:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_organizations_that_combat_human_trafficking

Behalwe dat elke genoemde land sy eie leërmag het, is daar is altesame 692 militêre guerrilla en separatiste groepe betrokke. Elke land met detail oor die vegtendes is beskikbaar by http://www.warsintheworld.com/?page=static1258254223 Mens het tyd nodig om die webblad van ‘n kant af deur te werk, maar doen dit gerus.

Hierdie vrouesoldaat is lid van die FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) revolusionêre mag in Columbië. Die FARC woon permanent in die woude en slaan
daar vandaan af toe. Hulle het sporadies ‘n skietstaking, maar bly op gereedheidsgrondslag. Ander vegtendes in Columbië is die National Liberation Army (ELN) since
1964 Los Urabeños paramilitary group since 2001
Vroue soldate is algemeen in die Israelse leër- en lugmag

Alles wat Jesus byna 2 000 jaar gelede op die Olyfberg aan die Dissipels vertel het, is reeds aan die gebeur. Behalwe dat Christene vermoor word vir hulle geloof, mag Jesus se naam in talle lande nie meer in die openbaar gebruik word nie... dit gee kwansuis aanstoot. Die outydse Evangeliese opelugdienste sal jou vandag in die tronk laat beland. Vals profete is oral, veral in Amerika. Die vervolging van Christene word wyd vertoon. Oral is video materiaal beskikbaar. Die miljoene mense wat oor die wêreld heen vlug gaan deur hel. Groot getalle sterf op die vlug. Mamma’s moet kindertjies soms tot drie maande land dra op die vlug. Moeders kraam selfs op die vlug, selfs is oorvol rubberbote of die stormsee.

Vier en twintig Siriese soldate word hier deur die Islamitiese Staat tereggestel in die ruïnes van die amfiteater in Palmyra in Sirië (photo credit:WELAYAT HOMS / AFP)

Aardskuddings: Daar is 49 000 skuddings jaarliks in die wêreld wat tussen 3 en 3.9 en hoër op die Richterskaal meet. http://www.statisticbrain.com/earthquake-statistics/ Dis of die Aarde moeisaam regop bly en dreig om te disintegreer.

Hongersnood: Altesame 795 miljoen mense in die wêreld ly honger. Daar is genoeg kos in die wêreld maar armoede is die grootste oorsaak. Met elke verkiesing belowe die politici werk aan die armes in die hoop op stemme in die verkiesings, maar werk bly ‘n ydele droom.

Pessiektes kom oral voor en antibiotika begin op baie plekke ontoereikend word.

Inderdaad het die leuen die waarheid vervang. Jeremia was so ontsteld oor die verval onder die volk dat hy gewens het hy het ‘n gastehuis in die woestyn sodat hy daar net met verbygaande reisigers te doen sou hê en nie langer met die volk nie. Luister wat sê Jeremia:

“Ag, het ek in die woestyn maar 'n herberg vir reisigers gehad! Dan sou ek my volk verlaat en van hulle af wegtrek; want hulle is almal owerspelers, 'n hoop ontroue mense.
“En hulle span hulle tong, soos hulle boog, met leuens, en nie volgens waarheid is hulle magtig in die land nie; want van boosheid tot boosheid gaan hulle voort, maar My ken hulle nie, spreek die HERE.
“Pas op, elkeen vir sy vriend, en vertrou op geen broer nie; want elke broer is net 'n onderkruiper, en elke vriend gaan om met kwaadsprekery.
“En hulle bedrieg elkeen sy vriend en praat nie die waarheid nie; hulle het hul tong geleer om leuens te praat, hulle maak hul moeg met verdraaiery.
“Jou woning is in die midde van bedrog; deur bedrog weier hulle om My te ken, spreek die HERE.
“Daarom, so sê die HERE van die leërskare: Kyk, Ek smelt hulle en toets hulle; want hoe sou Ek anders handel vanweë die dogter van my volk?
“Hulle tong is 'n moordpyl; dit spreek bedrog; met die mond spreek hulle van vrede met hul naaste, maar in hul binneste beraam hulle listige planne.
“Sou Ek hieroor aan hulle geen besoeking doen nie? spreek die HERE. Of sou my siel hom nie wreek op 'n nasie soos hierdie een nie?” Jer 9:2-10

Gelowiges sal EENDRAGTIG moet saamstaan in gebed, in Gees en in Waarheid in hierdie laaste uur. Vergewe mekaar, vat hande en hou vas tot die Basuin blaas Liefde bedek Al die oortredinge. Spr 10:12. Volbring die Koninklike Wet  “As julle ewenwel die Koninklike Wet volbring volgens die Skrif: Jy moet jou naaste liefhê soos jouself – dan doen julle goed.” Jak 2:8/ Komaan, doen goed!

Om te kan volhard tot die einde toe gaan ons mekaar bitter nodig hê. Die oues van dae onder ons sal onthou hoe ons mekaar na die laaste oorlog gedra het. As daar siekte was het die vroue in die straat saamgespan en gesorg dat die sieke verpleeg word, klere gewas en gestryk word en dat daar kos vir die gesin was. Mense het gehelp waar hulle kon met ‘n koppie meel hier en ‘n koppie olie daar. Ondersteuning van watter aard ook al, was ‘n gegewe, ook gebed. Ons het mekaar se laste gedra, vir mekaar gebid. Ons was so na aan mekaar, die wind kon nie eers tussen ons deurkom nie. Job 41:7

Ons ontvang heelwat pos en baie mense beleef angs en vrees oor die gebeure reg oor die wêreld, ook hier in Suid-Afrika, maar: “As hierdie dinge begin gebeur, kyk dan na bo en hef julle hoofde op, omdat julle verlossing naby is.” Luk 21:26

Kyk hoe Wedergebore Arabiere en Jode saam lofliedere sing:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT50-Kuj2UY  Hulle verwag die Heiland... Jesus is op pad.

Bring die siele in, bid vir Herlewing. Ons los nie die soom van die HERE se kleed voordat die magtigste Herlewing in die geskiedenis nie oral uitbreek nie.

Die werking van die Heilige Gees in ons en selfs deur ons, is vir ons onbegryplik, maar ons kan ons hart oopstel en die Gees gehoorsaam. Die Heilige Gees is in ons guns. Ons moet ons seile span vir die wind van die Hemel. Hoe span ons, ons seile?

Ons moet EENdragtig wees, oopgestel en gehoorsaam. Ook moet ons biddend wees en EENdragtig in die gebed. “Die vurige gebed van die regverdige het groot krag” Jak.5:16. ‘n Vroulike dier word dragtig, dis ‘n swangerskap. Ons moet EENdragtig wees, saam die swangerskap dra.

Ons moet in afwagting leef, die wind van die Hemel verwag. As ons waarlik in afwagting leef vir die Heilige Gees en die Wederkoms, dan lewe ons in Hoop soos in toekomsfeit, en nie soos in “ek wens” nie.  Matt 21:22; Luk 24:49.

Ware afwagting vereis geloof. Kom ons bid in afwagting van die Hemelse Wind vir die grootste Herlewing wat Suid-Afrika en die wêreld nog ooit beleef het. Hand 2:38.

Laat ons almal aanmoedig om, kom wat wil,  ons hand aan die ploeg te hou. Luk 9:62

As jy weet van iemand wat ‘n Bybel  opreg benodig en kan gebruik besoek www.thesower.org.za  
As iemand geestelike hulp of gebed verlang, skryf aan: belindapaar@gmail.com    
Ons het nou ook Beraders in Bloemfontein en Durban aan te beveel.

Bid asseblief deurentyd vir ‘n magtige geestelike Herlewing in SA  – Sjibbolet

 Preview YouTube video Jews & Arabs worship together in Nazareth, Israel.Jews & Arabs worship together in Nazareth, Israel.

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Jews & Arabs worship together in Nazareth, Israel.

Jews & Arabs worship together in Nazareth, Israel.

Woensdag 22 April 2015

Second Coming of Christ Imminent,

Michelle Bachmann says Christ's return is imminent.

Says Former Congresswoman
Michelle Bachmann says Christ's return is imminent.
Michelle Bachmann says Christ's return is imminent. (Charisma News File)

Michelle Bachmann has never been shy about her faith or lacked the boldness to confront the difficult issues. The former congresswoman didn't hold back on Jan Markell's Understanding the Times radio broadcast this week, Charisma News reports.

For starters, she warned that God is going to bring judgment on America thanks to President Obama's foreign policy. She called Obama ignorant of Islamic scripture and Islamic history and accused him of intentionally lying to the American people.

"He constantly talks about perverting Islam, but we have literally centuries and centuries of theory and practice of the Quran and the Hadith, which are traditions, the works of Islamic jurisprudence, that say one complete, consistent truth and that's that they want to have a nuclear weapon," she said.

"There is no fatwa out there," she added. "This is a lie, in my opinion, that the president is perpetrating. But that's what we've seen—a doctrine of deception. From the time Barack Obama has come in, I have witnessed firsthand a doctrine of deception."

Bachmann then turned to a more hopeful thought: the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

"The good news that I want to transition to is that, remember the prophets said in the Old Testament, they longed to look into the days that we live in, they long to be a part of these days. That's why these are not fearful times, these are the most exciting days in history," Bachmann said.

"Every single day we can talk about God's time clock and the fact that Jesus Christ's return is imminent. We have very little time, in my opinion, left before the second return of Christ. That's good news. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus. So do we despair? The despairing is that we see that our world is not going the way of salvation and the way of blessing, the world is embracing degeneracy."

Reports from Israel reveal startling rerun
of history
'Kaduri Revival is exploding like never before'

Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, the Rabbi who found the Messiah

The Fig Tree is bearing Fruit
They call it the “Kaduri Revival” and reports over recent months have confirmed the teachings of one of Israel’s most venerated rabbi
are leading Jews time and again to accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah, WorldNetDaily reports.
Baptist preacher and radio host Carl Gallups says the situation facing Messianic Jews right now in Israel is “reminiscent of what we read about in the New Testament – in the early days of the church.”

There, he said, Jews accepting a Christian faith were persecuted. And today, they “are facing the same hardships and persecution the early church faced,” he said.

“Gallups is the author of “Final Warning: Understanding the Trumpet Days of Revelation,” which cracked the top 100 bestseller list on Amazon as a growing number of political leaders and media commentators are openly speaking about the end times.

But Gallups believes one of the least-reported aspects of this discussion is the rise of Messianic Judaism in Israel.

One of the key figures in this movement is Messianic Jewish Rabbi Zev Porat of Messiah of Israel ministries. Porat won another convert over Passover when a Jew named Yechezke proclaimed his belief in “Yeshua,” or Jesus. Yechezke stated, “This is my first real Passover. Now I know that Yeshua is the Passover Lamb.”

Porat explained, “Yechezke’s salvation on the Feast of Passover is yet another confirmation that we are closer than ever to the return of our Lord and Savior Yeshua the Messiah.”

The key resource Porat and other Messianic Jews are using in their evangelism is Gallups’ book, “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime.”

It’s about Israel’s most venerated spiritual leader, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, who died in 2006 at the age of 108, leaving behind a message for his followers declaring that the name of the Messiah was Yehoshua – the formal name for Yeshua, or Jesus, in Greek.

Gallups says this shocking revelation was covered up by the media – and if he didn’t tell the story, no one else would.

“I wrote the book because I knew this story had to be told,” Gallups said. “It appeared that the mainstream media in the U.S., as well as in Israel, was not going to report upon the well-known fact that the most venerated rabbi in Israel’s modern history had left a note behind saying that Jesus was the real Messiah. Besides leaving the note, he had also left a double handful of his Yeshiva students who are now professing Jesus as Messiah and Lord and revealing that Kaduri showed them these things in his private teachings.”

He continued, “I suppose all of this was simply too much for the largely secular media to admit. I knew I would take a lot of flak for reporting the story and exposing what the naysayers had thought they had quashed. But, I felt powerful leading of the Lord that it had to be done – the Kaduri account had to be revealed to the world. Now, to see what is happening, particularly in Israel – it is absolutely overwhelming at times.”

Gallups also believes the increasing acceptance of Jesus Christ in Israel is part of the same end times phenomenon he discusses in his blockbuster, “Final Warning.”

“I talk to Zev Porat quite frequently,” Gallups revealed. “He assures me that he believes the ‘Kaduri revival,’ as he calls it, is not going to stop any time soon. Zev claims that as more Jews are saved and professing that Jesus is Messiah, they are also sharing their revelations and newfound faith with their family and friends.”

He continued, “But there are many people who continually attack Zev and his ministry – even threaten him. This is to be expected, I suppose. Satan’s time is short, and I believe the ‘Kaduri revival’ is a part of the unfolding of the final days nearing the Lord’s return.”

Porat himself claims, “The Kaduri revival is exploding like never before. We give all the glory to the Lion of tribe of Judah – Yeshua the Messiah.”

Porat has taken his message throughout Israel, even to Muslim communities that are hostile to outsiders. However, the bigger obstacle Porat and other Messianic Jews face is resistance from the faction whose members believe accepting Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah constitutes a betrayal of Jewish identity.

For that reason, Gallups says, the last teaching of Rabbi Kaduri is critical because it shows that Jesus is not an enemy to Jewish tradition and identity, but its fulfillment.

“The beauty of the Rabbi Kaduri story is that it opens the door for Jews to begin to carefully compare the Tanach with the New Testament documentation of the fulfillment of the Tanach’s messianic prophecies in Jesus – Yeshua,” Gallups explained. “Once they see with their own eyes that Kaduri named Yeshua as Messiah, they are much more likely to have a look at the New Testament documents.

“The note Kaduri left after his death only confirmed what several of Kaduri’s own students already knew and now openly attest – Kaduri knew and taught that Yeshua is the authentic and biblical Messiah.”

Gallups notes the example of Yechezke is typical of how the Kaduri revival is taking place in Israel.

Yechezke was “full of questions” but “like so many other orthodox Jews, simply did not know the Old Testament in its context and particularly those passages that had specific connectivity to the prophecies and revelations of the coming Messiah.”

By approaching Scripture through a Jewish context, Gallups believes, many Jews can learn their Messiah has already arrived.

“Most Jews are absolutely astonished to find out that the New Testament was written entirely by Jewish writers and written specifically to the early church that was entirely Jewish in makeup for the first couple of decades,” Gallups said. “They are further surprised to learn Jewish Pharisees and priests of New Testament days also proclaimed Jesus as Messiah and followed Him as dedicated believers. When they finally have the opportunity, they had largely been denied their entire lives, to compare the clear messianic prophecies of the Tanach with the New Testament fulfilments in Jesus Christ – they are usually quite overwhelmed.”

And the discovery of the Messiah Yeshua by the Jewish people, Gallups believes, is yet another sign that believers should recognize the end is coming soon.

“These are prophetic times in which we are living,” he said. “This revival is a supernatural phenomenon.”

Porat’s use of the book’s information has been to deliver the salvation message to Muslims, to Orthodox Jews at the Western Wall, in the streets of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and other places. He has taken the gospel abroad and continually looks for opportunities to minister the gospel of Jesus the Messiah to Muslims.

The findings about Kaduri remain highly controversial in Israel, with Kaduri’s own family claiming the late rabbi’s note was a forgery and others in Jewish circles dismissing him entirely. Gallups establishes the case for Kaduri’s legitimacy and the identification of Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah in the book “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah” and the DVD of the same title.

Israel's President Reaffirms the Nation's
Commitment to Defend Christians
"There is a great threat to the Christian communities in the Middle East. Yet there is an
embarrassed silence about Christians being crucified, beheaded, stoned and shot in
country after country." - Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal

ISRAEL — Israeli President Reuven Rivlin met with Christian leaders, including Patriarch Theophilos III, in the Old City of Jerusalem, BCN reports.

The meeting was organized to mark the Easter holiday, and was the first held by a sitting Israeli President at the site in 30 years.

Rivlin used the opportunity to reaffirm his commitment to defend and promote equality and religious freedom: "For me, attacks on your holy places is as damaging as those onto our holy places, and it shouldn't happen," he stated.

"The State of Israel is committed to protecting the freedom of each and every one of the different religions—we will not allow abuse because of religion, and if such harm does occur, law enforcement will take care of it immediately."

Greek Patriarch Theophilos III welcomed the President, saying "We are grateful for your visit during this season when the Christian community is celebrating the festival of Pascha (Easter)."

"The close relationship between Passover (Pesach) and Easter (Pascha) is an important reminder to us all, of the deep bonds that unite the children of Abraham. Jews, Christians, and Muslims have lived here side by side for centuries, always seeking mutual understanding, for the mutual well-being in our region," he said. – ends

Reports from Israel reveal startling rerun of history-The Fig Tree is bearing Fruit

'Kaduri Revival is exploding like never before'

Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, the Rabbi who found the Messiah

The Fig Tree is bearing Fruit

They call it the “Kaduri Revival” and reports over recent months have confirmed the teachings of one of Israel’s most venerated rabbi
are leading Jews time and again to accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah, WorldNetDaily reports.
Baptist preacher and radio host Carl Gallups says the situation facing Messianic Jews right now in Israel is “reminiscent of what we read about in the New Testament – in the early days of the church.”

There, he said, Jews accepting a Christian faith were persecuted. And today, they “are facing the same hardships and persecution the early church faced,” he said.

“Gallups is the author of “Final Warning: Understanding the Trumpet Days of Revelation,” which cracked the top 100 bestseller list on Amazon as a growing number of political leaders and media commentators are openly speaking about the end times.

But Gallups believes one of the least-reported aspects of this discussion is the rise of Messianic Judaism in Israel.

One of the key figures in this movement is Messianic Jewish Rabbi Zev Porat of Messiah of Israel ministries. Porat won another convert over Passover when a Jew named Yechezke proclaimed his belief in “Yeshua,” or Jesus. Yechezke stated, “This is my first real Passover. Now I know that Yeshua is the Passover Lamb.”

Porat explained, “Yechezke’s salvation on the Feast of Passover is yet another confirmation that we are closer than ever to the return of our Lord and Savior Yeshua the Messiah.”

The key resource Porat and other Messianic Jews are using in their evangelism is Gallups’ book, “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime.”

It’s about Israel’s most venerated spiritual leader, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, who died in 2006 at the age of 108, leaving behind a message for his followers declaring that the name of the Messiah was Yehoshua – the formal name for Yeshua, or Jesus, in Greek.

Gallups says this shocking revelation was covered up by the media – and if he didn’t tell the story, no one else would.

“I wrote the book because I knew this story had to be told,” Gallups said. “It appeared that the mainstream media in the U.S., as well as in Israel, was not going to report upon the well-known fact that the most venerated rabbi in Israel’s modern history had left a note behind saying that Jesus was the real Messiah. Besides leaving the note, he had also left a double handful of his Yeshiva students who are now professing Jesus as Messiah and Lord and revealing that Kaduri showed them these things in his private teachings.”

He continued, “I suppose all of this was simply too much for the largely secular media to admit. I knew I would take a lot of flak for reporting the story and exposing what the naysayers had thought they had quashed. But, I felt powerful leading of the Lord that it had to be done – the Kaduri account had to be revealed to the world. Now, to see what is happening, particularly in Israel – it is absolutely overwhelming at times.”

Gallups also believes the increasing acceptance of Jesus Christ in Israel is part of the same end times phenomenon he discusses in his blockbuster, “Final Warning.”

“I talk to Zev Porat quite frequently,” Gallups revealed. “He assures me that he believes the ‘Kaduri revival,’ as he calls it, is not going to stop any time soon. Zev claims that as more Jews are saved and professing that Jesus is Messiah, they are also sharing their revelations and newfound faith with their family and friends.”

He continued, “But there are many people who continually attack Zev and his ministry – even threaten him. This is to be expected, I suppose. Satan’s time is short, and I believe the ‘Kaduri revival’ is a part of the unfolding of the final days nearing the Lord’s return.”

Porat himself claims, “The Kaduri revival is exploding like never before. We give all the glory to the Lion of tribe of Judah – Yeshua the Messiah.”

Porat has taken his message throughout Israel, even to Muslim communities that are hostile to outsiders. However, the bigger obstacle Porat and other Messianic Jews face is resistance from the faction whose members believe accepting Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah constitutes a betrayal of Jewish identity.

For that reason, Gallups says, the last teaching of Rabbi Kaduri is critical because it shows that Jesus is not an enemy to Jewish tradition and identity, but its fulfillment.

“The beauty of the Rabbi Kaduri story is that it opens the door for Jews to begin to carefully compare the Tanach with the New Testament documentation of the fulfillment of the Tanach’s messianic prophecies in Jesus – Yeshua,” Gallups explained. “Once they see with their own eyes that Kaduri named Yeshua as Messiah, they are much more likely to have a look at the New Testament documents.

“The note Kaduri left after his death only confirmed what several of Kaduri’s own students already knew and now openly attest – Kaduri knew and taught that Yeshua is the authentic and biblical Messiah.”

Gallups notes the example of Yechezke is typical of how the Kaduri revival is taking place in Israel.

Yechezke was “full of questions” but “like so many other orthodox Jews, simply did not know the Old Testament in its context and particularly those passages that had specific connectivity to the prophecies and revelations of the coming Messiah.”

By approaching Scripture through a Jewish context, Gallups believes, many Jews can learn their Messiah has already arrived.

“Most Jews are absolutely astonished to find out that the New Testament was written entirely by Jewish writers and written specifically to the early church that was entirely Jewish in makeup for the first couple of decades,” Gallups said. “They are further surprised to learn Jewish Pharisees and priests of New Testament days also proclaimed Jesus as Messiah and followed Him as dedicated believers. When they finally have the opportunity, they had largely been denied their entire lives, to compare the clear messianic prophecies of the Tanach with the New Testament fulfilments in Jesus Christ – they are usually quite overwhelmed.”

And the discovery of the Messiah Yeshua by the Jewish people, Gallups believes, is yet another sign that believers should recognize the end is coming soon.

“These are prophetic times in which we are living,” he said. “This revival is a supernatural phenomenon.”

Porat’s use of the book’s information has been to deliver the salvation message to Muslims, to Orthodox Jews at the Western Wall, in the streets of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and other places. He has taken the gospel abroad and continually looks for opportunities to minister the gospel of Jesus the Messiah to Muslims.

The findings about Kaduri remain highly controversial in Israel, with Kaduri’s own family claiming the late rabbi’s note was a forgery and others in Jewish circles dismissing him entirely. Gallups establishes the case for Kaduri’s legitimacy and the identification of Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah in the book “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah” and the DVD of the same title.